Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 3: Larantuka, seaside YDD

Three hours and a shoulder-smashing windy road later, we've made it to our destination. The good news is, I didn't get horribly carsick, like I did during that ride to Moni last summer. The bad news is, my camera's SD card is nowhere to be found. I discovered it was missing when we stopped to take photos of a large tree infested with about 20 beehives. Just my luck.

Now that we are the site of our workshop, I've been taking photos of our Lombok friends using my phone. Admittedly I feel naked without being able to express myself using my Nikon...

**Update** Crisis averted! Pak Amsel found my SD card back in the home stay and now I'm borrowing Bu Chris's card to take photos with my camera. Feel loads better.

I just squished about five mosquitoes in preparation for this afternoon's nap. I think there are still two more hiding underneath my bed. We are currently staying at the YDD office in Larantuka. Place is gorgeous; you step out the door and you face the ocean and several nearby islands. Pictures when my Internet connection improves.

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